Features that we used in this quiz
- Theme: Classic Dark
- Animation effect: Shake
- Show questions counter
- Show correct answers
- Show passed users count
- Enable finish button
- Enable to go next by pressing Enter key
- Enable next button
- Enable previous button
- Enable Timer
- Enable audio autoplay
- Enable confirmation box for leaving the page
- Enable restart button
Knowing how to make a video quiz in WordPress is a great way to engage people in your Content, we all are visual and anything visualized makes a greater impact on our brains. It reduces stress as video content already gives people ideas on the questions so that they know what to expect. Another relief is that with Quiz Maker making one is free.
It can be used to test the pre-existing knowledge of your students. Such quizzes are also highly engaging as the viewer is keen to see whether his/her prediction was correct.
You can still take advantage of adding other functions such as showing interval massages with the Pro Version of the WordPress Quiz Plugin.
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