Quiz Maker
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Category: Pro


How Normal Are You?

1 / 8

Describe yourself...

2 / 8

Where do you like to sit on an airplane?

3 / 8

Are you a night person?

4 / 8

What is your temperament?

5 / 8

Do you like walking in the rain and why?

6 / 8

One word for this view...

7 / 8

Would you like to jump from here?

8 / 8

Do you believe in astrology?

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In this Quiz, you will be told the name of a famous actor and your task will be finding him/her among the displayed pictures. Do you know the real names of the famous actors?

Click “Start” Button to pass the quiz.

1 / 6

Choose the correct answer.

Brad Pitt

2 / 6

Choose the correct answer.

Jennifer Lawrence

3 / 6

Choose the correct answer.

Tom Hardy

4 / 6

Choose the correct answer.

Keira Knightley

5 / 6

Choose the correct answer.

Christian Bale

6 / 6

Choose the correct answer.

Angelina Jolie

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Test Your Movie Trivia Knowledge

1 / 5

What does the lyric "Hakuna Matata" translate as in "The Lion King"

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2 / 5

What actress plays the young killer in 'Leon'?

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Which of these colors is given to a character in "Reservoir Dogs"?

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What was Jack's (Leonardo DiCaprio's) surname in 'Titanic'?

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What pill does Neo take in "The Matrix"?

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How Healthy are You?

Think about Yesterday! Do the questionnaire and check How Healthy are You?

1 / 13

Did you have more than 2 pieces of toast for breakfast?

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2 / 13

Did you have sugar in your tea or coffee?

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3 / 13

Did you drink a glass of milk?

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4 / 13

Did you drink more than five glasses of water?

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5 / 13

Did you eat any fruit?

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6 / 13

Did you eat any vegetables?

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7 / 13

Did you eat any sweets and chocolate?

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Did you eat any biscuits or cake?

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9 / 13

Did you go for a run?

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10 / 13

Did you do any exercise?

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11 / 13

Did you get up before 8 a.m.?

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12 / 13

Did you go to bed  before 11 p.m.?

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13 / 13

Did you watch TV  for more than two hours?

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