Create Question

In this detailed and step-by-step article, we will learn how to add questions with WordPress Quiz Plugin. We will discuss the simple steps to add a new question and configure the question settings.
Let’s begin.

Simple Question Creation/Getting Started: Creating Questions and Answers #

In this section, we will discuss how to create a new question with answer options. Then, how to publish the question and make it visible on the website.

With the first step, head to the Quiz Maker plugin > Questions page and click on the Add New button.

Add Question To WordPress Quiz

With the next step, you can choose the question type.
The WordPress Quiz plugin offers the following question types:

  • Radio
  • Checkbox (Multiple)
  • Dropdown
  • Text
  • Short Text
  • Number
  • Date
  • Info Banner
  • True/False
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Matching

You can get more detailed information about the question types by checking the WordPress Quiz Plugin All Question Types explained article.

Once you choose the question type, you can type your question and add answer options. For this article, we will take the example of the Radio question type.

Here is an example of a question you can create:
“What is the capital of France?”

Here are the answer options:
a. London
b. Paris
c. Berlin

So, the correct answer is Paris.

Create Quiz Question

Once you have added a new question with answer options, make sure to choose one of the answer options as correct and save the changes so that you can close the question and go ahead.
Then, you need to publish the question. For that, head to the Quizzes page > particular quiz > General Tab and click on the Insert Questions button.

Add Question To Quiz

That’s all. With these simple steps, you created your first question.

Settings #

In this section, we will discuss the settings of the General Tab of the Question Edit page. After reading this part of the documentation, you will have a clear understanding of the question settings configuration. Let’s check each option one by one.

1. Question and Answer Images #

The WordPress Quiz Plugin allows adding images to both the question and the answer options (PRO). By adding images to the quiz question, you can make it more interactive and engaging.

To add an image to the question, click on the Add Image button. Then, click on the Add button for the Image section of the answer options to add images to each answer option.

Add Image To Quiz

2. Keywords (PRO) #

You will need the Keywords feature mostly if you are creating personality quizzes. All you need to do is to set keywords for the answer options and then, use the Intervals feature (PRO) of the Result Settings page to display different result messages to the quiz takers based on the interval they appeared in.
You can check the article on How to Create a Personality Test with WordPress Quiz Plugin for more information.

Quiz Question Keywords

3. Weight/Point (PRO) #

As to the Weight/Point system, you need to configure the weight/point for the answer options if you want to create a scored quiz.
For the correct answer/answers, you can assign positive numbers (e.g. 1, 2.5, etc.). Conversely, for incorrect answer/answers, you can assign a negative marking with the – sign (e.g. -1, -0.5, etc.).

Add Points To Question

4. Correctness #

Here we come to the Correctness of the answer options. Whether you are creating a personality test (without correct/incorrect answers) or a scored quiz, it is compulsory to tick any of the answer options as correct. We need to do this so that the system can be closed and you can pass on to the next question.

Quiz Question Correct Answer

5. Use HTML For Answers #

If you want to insert HTML tags for the answer options, you need to tick this option so that the system can recognize them.
For example, you can use this option if you are creating a math quiz and need to insert math formulas.

Math Quiz

6. Question Weight (PRO) #

With this option, you can specify the weight of the question. The Question Weight will be multiplied by the chosen answer weight (if you choose quiz calculation by points).
Please note, that the default value for this option is 1 and it is not connected to the answer points.

Quiz Question Weight

7. Question Categories and Question Tags #

You can use both of these two options for filtering purposes. You can add 1 category, but multiple tags (PRO) for the question.
To create a new category/tag, you can head to the Quiz Maker plugin > Question Categories page. 

Quiz Questions Filtering

8. Question Status #

This option determines whether the question is active or not. In the case of choosing the Unpublished option, the question will not be displayed anywhere on your website.

Quiz Question Status

9. Hide Question Text on the Front End #

By ticking this option, you can make the question appear without text. This option is designed to be used when the question includes an image as well.

Quiz Question Text Visibility

10. No Influence to Score #

By ticking the No Influence to Score option, the system will not count the question in the final score calculation and will consider it as just a survey question.
In the case of this question type, there are no correct and incorrect answers.

Scored Quiz

11. Question Title #

With the help of this option, you can specify your desired title for the question.

Quiz Question Title

Advanced Settings #

In this section, we will discuss all the advanced features the WordPress Quiz Plugin provides. Using these features will help you create more advanced quizzes.

1. Disable strip slashes for answers and the Enable strip slashes for question #

You can use both of these two options when you are working with the MathJax-Latex plugin and want to create a math quiz.

By enabling the “Disable strip slashes for answers” option, the system will not remove backslashes from your answers’ content.
By disabling the “Enable strip slashes for question”, the system will remove backslashes from your questions’ content. You need to disable this option if you are using the MathJax-Latex plugin.

Math Quiz Settings

2. Question background image (PRO) #

With the help of this option, you can upload your desired image as a background image for the question. You can have different background images for different questions.

Quiz Question Background Image

3. User answer explanation (PRO) #

If you enable this option, the users can write an explanation for their answers. For example, the users can mention why they chose the given answer option while passing the quiz.

User Answer Explanation For Quiz

4. Question hint #

With the help of this option, you can provide an extra/additional information about the question. This will help those quiz takers, who are uncertain about the answer.
By checking the Hint, they increase their chances of responding accurately.

Quiz Question Hint

5. Question explanation #

You can write your desired text for the “Question Explanation” feature, thus providing the quiz takers with informative/descriptive text about the question.
Please note, that this option works with all question types, except the Checkbox.

Quiz Question Explanation

6. Message for the wrong answer and the Message for the right answer #

You can write your desired texts for these options and they will be displayed in case the quiz taker answers the question incorrectly/correctly.
Please note, that these options work with all question types, except the Checkbox and they don’t work when you choose the Quiz calculation option By Weight/points from Quiz Settings.

Quiz Question Correct And Incorrect Answers

7. Note text #

The last option of the Advanced Settings Tab is the “Note Text”. With this option, you can provide additional information about the question. You can display this info under the answers.

Quiz Question Note Text

That’s all! In this article, we discussed how to create questions with the WordPress Quiz Plugin and configure the settings accordingly.

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