Quiz intervals chart Shortcode

Quiz intervals chart shortcode shows the statistics of keywords on the front page. More specifically, it shows how many times each keyword was used by the users (keywords are assigned to answer options) and what fraction it makes overall.

To make the best use of the chart in the end, we suggest giving descriptions of the keywords. To do it, go to the Quizzes Page > Results Settings tab and scroll down to the Assign message to each keyword option. In the text field, write the text for each keyword. Those texts will be used in the chart.

Results Setting Tab WordPress Quiz
Interval Messages Keywords WordPress Quiz

Now, to copy the shortcode, go to the General Settings Page > Shortcodes tab and find the Quiz intervals chart shortcode.

Shortcodes Tab WordPress Quiz
Quiz Intervals Chart Shortcode WordPress Quiz

Copy it and paste it into your post. You can make a new post or paste it into an already existing post.

Publish Post With Shortcode WordPress Quiz

Then, change “Your_Quiz_ID” with the ID of your chosen quiz. You can find it on the Quizzes page from the list.

Now, publish your post or update it. Click on View Post to see the result. Here is an example of how it will look like:

Quiz intervals chart Shortcode Result Example WordPress Quiz

The letters (T, E, S…) written before the percentage are the texts for interval messages. The percentages show what percentage makes the particular type of keywords overall. The number written after shows how many keywords of the particular type were used.

This shortcode is a great tool for creating a 16 personalities test as it displays the necessary statistics right on the front end. Here is a video tutorial with a detailed explanation of How to Create a 16 Personalities Test.

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