You can choose what information you want to be shown in the details of the quiz results. You can later use the detailed report of the quiz in the User Page Settings Shortcode.
To see those details, go to Quiz Maker plugin > Results Page. Then, hover on the name of the particular quiz and click on View Details to see the history of the results for the selected quiz. Then, hover on your chosen WP User name and click on Detailed Report to see the details of the particular attempt of the quiz.

Now, choose what columns you want to be displayed in this list.
Go to the General Settings > Detailed Report Options tab.

User Information #
Tick the following options if you want the corresponding data about the user to be shown in the details of the quiz results.
- Show User IP – User IP address changes every time a new quiz attempt is made.
- Show User ID – This shows the ID of the current user.
- Show User – The name of the user registered in WordPress.
- Show User Email – The email address of the user that was filled in the information form.
- Show User Name – The user name that was filled in the information form.
- Show User Phone – The phone number of the user that was filled in in the information form.
- Show Admin note – The admin note text that is written for a particular question.
Quiz Information #
Enable the following options if you want the corresponding data about the quiz to be shown in the detailed results table.
- Show Start date – The date when the user started the quiz.
- Show Duration – The time period during which the user passed the quiz.
- Show Score/Points – The score or points that the user got from the quiz, depending on what method of calculation is chosen for the particular quiz.
- Show Rate – The rate of that quiz.
- Show Unique Code – The code that is assigned for each attempt for that quiz.
- Show Keywords – Shows the keywords used in the quiz, with their corresponding number of how many times it was used by the user and what percentage it was over all of the keywords.
- Show Results by Categories – Shows the results of the quiz for each question category in the quiz.
- Show Coupon – Shows the quiz coupon (if enabled.)
- Show Certificate – This shows the certificate generated for the quiz (if available.)
Here is an example of columns of detailed report columns of a quiz.

No matter whether the option is ticked or not, the User or Quiz Information data will still be shown on the exported PDF and XLSX files.
When done, click on the Save Changes button.
I have a question about creating a quiz in Japanese. When I export the quiz details as a PDF, the Japanese characters are displayed as question marks. I believe this is due to a missing or incorrect font setting.
Is there a way to ensure that Japanese characters are displayed correctly using a Japanese font?
Dear Meg,
Thank you for your comment.
I want to mention, that we need more information for further investigation of the case.
Please contact us via this form so that we can check the case and assist you with your issue accordingly.
Our customer care specialists are always ready to help you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
What about when you need to print:
Name – time – category one – Category two – Category three – Total Score – %%interval_message%%
Tito – 0h20. 30%. 30% 50% 37%. A2
Jose. – 0h18. 45%. 49%. 55% 50% B1
in Excel when exported and downloaded.
Imagine if I have to download 50 students’ scores and wish to make a comparison.
can you help?
Dear Ralph,
Thank you for the comment.
I want to mention that at this time, we don’t have the ability to export this data from the quiz across all results.
Currently, it is only included in the export of the “Detailed Report.”
By the way, thank you for your suggestion.
We appreciate it, as it’s mutually beneficial for both of us.
I’ll forward your request to our PM team for consideration in future updates.
We’ll make sure to inform you if the functionality is added in any of the future updates of the plugin.
Thank you.