The WordPress Quiz Plugin offers an advanced feature to export and import questions in bulk. The feature will help you save time and avoid creating questions one by one.
The plugin has 4 file formats to export and import questions. These file formats are the following:
- Simple XLSX
To find the Export and Import Questions feature, head to the Quiz Maker plugin > Questions page.

Don’t forget to check the video to get detailed info about WordPress Quiz Plugin All Question Types.
CSV File Format #
Let’s check the fields the CSV file type includes and the steps to use them.
To export the questions in the CSV file format, go to the WordPress Quiz Plugin > Questions page and click on the Export button. Then, in the opened popup, configure the filters as per your requirements. After that, click on the CSV button and download the questions in the CSV file.

Exported File Fields #
Let’s check the fields included in the exported CSV file and check the data that needs to be filled in there.
- Category: For the Category field, you need to specify the name of the Question Category.
- Question: For the Question field, you need to type/write the question.
- Question Image: If the question has an image, provide the link to the image.
- Question Hint: Write a text that will serve as a hint for the users.
- Type: Here you need to specify the type of the question (e.g. Radio, Checkbox, Text, etc.).
- Published: Indicate the status of the question. The value 1 stands for the Published Question, and 0 for the Unpublished.
- Wrong Answer Text: Write the text you want to display to the quiz takers in the case of the wrong answer.
- Right Answer Text: Write the text you want to display to the quiz takers in the case of the correct answer.
- Explanation: In this field, provide an explanation for the question.
- User Explanation: You can either enable or disable this option for the quiz.
Of course, the “off” stands for Disabled, and “on” for the Enabled status. - Not Influence To Score: You need to choose either the “on” or the “off” status for the option.
If you don’t want to include the question in the final score calculation, then, set the “on” status. Otherwise, disable this option, by setting “off” for it. - Weight: In this field, you need to specify the points for the question. For example, you can set any value you prefer, 1,0, etc. If you don’t want to set points for the question, just write 0 for the Weight field.
- Options: It is not compulsory to fill in this field, as it includes secondary options. For instance, you can use BG image, Use HTML, Minimum selection number, etc.
- Question Title: You need to write the Question Title for this field.
- Tags: Specify the Question Tag.
- ID: You need to write the ID of the question.
Answers formatting #
You need to provide answers to the question. Here, you need to be careful with the settings configuration.
There are three parameters for the answers field.
- The answer itself.
- Correctness of the answer option. If the answer is correct, write 1, if not, then, 0.
- The 3rd parameter refers to answer points.
Firstly, you need to separate the answers by double semicolons (;;).
Then come the options of the single answer. Separate them by double colons (::).
The remaining components of the Answers field are not compulsory and depend on the use case you have for the quiz. The ordering is the following:
- Image
- Placeholder
- Keyword
- Answer ID
- Slug
If there is no image for the answers, you can skip the Image component, put 4 colons (::::), and pass on to the next component (e.g. Placeholder).
Once you have made all the changes, you can finish the settings configuration by inserting 2 semicolons (;;).
An example of the CSV File: Download
XLSX File Format #
This file format appears to be the most widely used by everyone.
First, to export the questions in the XLSX file format, please head to the Quiz Maker plugin > Questions page and click on the Export button. Then, give your preferred configurations for the opened popup.
Use the filters and then, click on the XLSX button. Learn more about the filters by checking the Export filters part.

All the fields of the XLSX file format match with the fields of the CSV file format. So, please check the Exported File Fields part of the article to find the whole info on the exported file fields. The only difference lies in the settings configuration for the Answers field.
Answers Field Formatting #
Let’s check how to configure the Answers field correctly together.
Here are the components of the Answers Field:
- Answer ID
- Question ID
- Answers
- Image
- Correctness
- Ordering
- Weight
- Placeholder
- Keyword
- Slug
- Options
Check the following steps to correctly configure the symbols for the Answers field.
- First, insert a curly brace ({).
- Then, insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “id” and close the quotation mark (“).
Put a colon (:), quotation mark (“), and either write the ID of the answer or skip this. Then, close the quotation mark (“). Note: You will need the Answers ID only if you want to use the Update existing questions checkbox when importing questions. - With the next step, insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “question_id”, and close the quotation mark (“). Insert a colon (:), quotation mark (“), write the Question ID, and close the quotation mark (“).
- Put a quotation mark (“), write the word “answer” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write the answer. Then, close the quotation mark (“).
- Then, comes the image. Insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “image” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), provide the Image URL, and close the quotation mark (“).
- With the next step, you need to specify the correctness of the answer. Put a quotation mark (“), write the word “correct” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write either 1 (if the answer is correct) or 0 (if the answer is incorrect). Close the quotation mark (“).
- The next component is Ordering, by which the answer options are displayed on the Dashboard.
Insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “ordering” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write the corresponding value. Close the quotation mark (“). - To specify the weight/points, please put a quotation mark (“), write the word “weight” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write your desired value. Close the quotation mark (“).
You need to do the same for the remaining components as well. These components are not compulsory for all users and are used depending on the use case for the quiz. These include:
- Placeholder
- Keyword
- Slug
- Options (The component is used for the Matching question type and indicates the answer of the correct match.
Once you have done all the steps, close the curly brace (}).
An example of the XLSX File: Download
JSON File Format #
This file format is mostly used by Developers.
To export the questions in JSON file format, please do the following steps:
- Head to the Quiz Maker plugin > Questions page.
- Click on the Export button.
- Use your desired filters and click on the JSON button.

An example of the JSON File: Download
Exported File Fields #
Let’s check how to configure the fields of the exported JSON file format.
At first, you need to insert the following brackets:
Then, start writing the remaining components of the exported JSON file.
These are the file components and their configuration:
- ID – Insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “id” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write the corresponding Question ID. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Author ID – Put a quotation mark (“), write the word “author_id” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write the corresponding Author ID. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Tag ID – For the Tag ID field, insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “tag_id” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write the corresponding Tag ID. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Question – For the Question field, put a quotation mark (“), write the word “question” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write the question. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Question Title – Insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “question_title” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write the Question Title accordingly. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Question Image – For the Question Image field, put a quotation mark (“), write the word “question_image” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and provide the Image URL. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Wrong Answer Text – Insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “wrong_answer_text” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write your desired text accordingly. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Right Answer Text – You can do the same for the Right Answer Text field as well. However, you need to write the text “right_answer_text” in quotation marks.
- Question Hint – For the Question Hint option, put a quotation mark (“), write the word “question_hint” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write the question hint text. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Explanation – Insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “explanation” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write your desired text accordingly. Close the quotation mark (“).
- User Explanation – You can either enable or disable this option. Insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “user_explanation” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write either “off” or “on”. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Type – For this field, you need to specify the question type. Insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “type” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and provide the question type, for example, “radio”. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Published – For this field, put a quotation mark (“), write the word “published” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write either 1 (for published) or 0 for the unpublished. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Create Date – Specify the Create Date field, by inserting a quotation mark (“), writing the word “create_date“, and closing the quotation mark (“). Then, put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and provide the date in the y/m/d ordering, for example, “2024-06-07 07:29:33”. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Weight – Provide the question weight by inserting a quotation mark (“), writing the word “weight“, and closing the quotation mark (“). Then, put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and provide your desired value for the weight/points. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Correct – Here, you need to specify th correctness of the answer options. If the answer is correct, write 1, if not, then, 0.
- Answers Weight – Provide the answers weight by inserting a quotation mark (“), writing the word “answers_weight“, and closing the quotation mark (“). Then, put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and provide your desired value for the answers weight. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Category – Write the word “category” in quotation marks, put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and write the question category. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Not influence to score – You can use this option, if you don’t want to include the question in the final calculation. Insert a quotation mark (“), write the word “not_influence_to_score” and close the quotation mark (“). Put a colon “:”, insert a quotation mark (“), and set either “off” or “on”. Close the quotation mark (“).
- Answers Weight – Provide the answers weight by writing your desired value for the “answers_weight” field. Close the quotation mark (“) once you are done.
- Answers – For the “answers” field, specify the answers in quotation marks. Once you have made all the changes, close the quotation mark (“).
The remaining fields are not compulsory to fill in and depend on the use case you have for the quiz.
If you have a use case for these options, you can follow the steps mentioned above for the configuration of these fields.
- Ordering
- Placeholder
- Options
- Tag Title
- Keyword
- Slug
Once you are done with all the settings, close the brackets ( }] ).
An example of the JSON File: Download
Simple XLSX File Format #
As you may already guess from the name of this file format, it is designed to be as simple as possible. That means, it includes fewer fields than the remaining file formats.
This file format supports exporting questions created with only the Radio question type.
To export the questions in the Simple XLSX file format, please go to the Quiz Maker plugin > Questions page and click on the Export button. Then, use the filters and click on the Simple XLSX button to export the questions.

Exported File Fields #
The Simple XLSX file format has the following fields:
- Question – Write down the question.
- Category – Specify the Question Category.
- Tags – Specify the Question Tag.
- Question Explanation – Write down the explanation for the question.
- Correct Answer – Insert the number of the correct answer.
- Answer options – Write answer options for each question one by one.
Once you are done with the changes in the exported file, it is high time to import the file.
Tick the Simple XLSX checkbox when importing so that the functionality can work correctly for you.

An example of the Simple XLSX File: Download
Export filters #
You can use the following filters to export the questions more efficiently.

- Authors – Specify the questions of what authors you want to export.
- Categories – Set the category/categories of the questions you want to export.
- Tags – Set the tag/tags of the questions you want to export.
- Start Date from/ Start Date to – Specify the questions’ creation start date/end date.
Importing questions #
To find the Import Questions feature, head to the Quiz Maker plugin > Questions page.

There are some steps you need to follow when importing questions.
- The file you are trying to import must be of exactly the same file format/structure as our example file. Otherwise, the normal operation of the importing feature may be interrupted. Please note, that our plugin accepts only our file formatting when importing.
- Make sure the categories of the questions start with letters, instead of numbers, while importing. Please note, that the categories must start with letters so that the functionality can work correctly for you.
Incorrect: 5category
Correct: Fifthcategory - If you have created a great number of questions somewhere and now are searching for a way to bulk import them, instead of creating questions one by one, then, you can do the following.
You can download our example file format and manually make the corresponding changes in it (add questions with answers). Then, import the questions.

- Tick the Simple XLSX checkbox when you are importing the file in the Simple XLSX format.

- Let’s imagine you want to make changes to all your questions, for example, you want to add a Question Explanation to the existing questions.
To save time and avoid editing questions one by one, you can export the questions. Then, make the changes in the file, and when importing, tick the Update Existing Questions checkbox.
By this, the questions will not be imported with the new IDs, but the system will retain the IDs by which the questions were exported.
a. Note: If the system can’t find a question with the given Question ID, it will generate a new ID automatically.
b. Also, please note, that this option doesn’t work with the Simple XLSX file format. If you enable this option and try to import the file, the system will create new questions.

That’s all. We have discussed all the export file formats of the WordPress Quiz Plugin. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us via our Contact Form. Our Support Specialists are always ready to help you.