To add an Information Form for the users before or after the quiz, go to the Quizzes Page > particular quiz > User Data Tab. Here is an article on the User Data tab to help you create the Information Form and adjust it.

There are a few fields in the Information Form that you choose based on your preferences. Those fields have labels and placeholder texts.
Labels are the text that state the purpose of the field and are displayed outside of the box. The placeholders are the texts that are written inside the box to prompt the user what he or she should write. The latter mentioned disappears as soon as the user starts to type the text in the field.
To change the text on the placeholders and labels of the Name, Email, or Phone fields in the Information Form, go to the General Settings page > Fields Texts tab and change them in the corresponding fields. They initially have their default texts.

After you have made the changes, click on the Save changes button to save them.