Quick Start

In this article, we will discuss how to create a quiz in a minute easily without effort.

Create a question #

At first, you need to create questions. Please follow these steps to create a new question.

  • Head to the Questions page and click on the Add New button.
  • Write the question and specify the question type with the answer option.
  • Check one of the answer options as correct so that you can close the question and pass on to the next question.
Add Question To WordPress Quiz

Check the following article to get detailed information on the advanced settings of the questions: https://quiz-plugin.com/docs/creating-questions/

Also, you can check the video tutorial about WordPress Quiz All Question Types for more info.

Add questions to the quiz #

Once you created the questions, you can add them to the quiz. For that, please follow these steps.

  • Go to the Quizzes page and click on the Add New button.
  • Give a Title and Description for the quiz.
  • Click on the Insert Questions button.
  • Select your desired questions and click on the Insert Questions button.
  • Save the changes.
Add Question To Quiz

Publish the quiz #

Once you have added the questions and made all the settings configurations, you can publish the quiz.

To publish the quiz, you can either manually copy the quiz shortcode and paste it into the post/page.
Or, you can enable the Create post for quiz option, and the post with the quiz shortcode will be generated for you by the system.

Quiz Shortcode
Create Post For Quiz

Check out the following article where all these steps are mentioned in detail: https://quiz-plugin.com/docs/publish-quiz/

Don’t forget to check the video to learn How to Create a quiz with the Quiz Maker plugin in One Minute.

Quick Quiz Feature #

If you are looking for the easiest way to create a simple quiz with basic question types, then, you can refer to the Quick Quiz feature the plugin provides.

To find the feature, please follow these steps.

  • Head to the Quizzes page and click on the Quiz icon.
  • In the opened popup, specify the Quiz Title, Description, Category, and Status.
  • Then, tick the Quiz Options button and configure the settings you want to have for the quiz.
  • Add questions and answer options.
  • Click on the Submit button.
Quick Quiz Icon
Quick Quiz Settings

Once you click on the Submit button, the quiz shortcode is generated by the system, and your quiz is added to the Quizzes list. Once you make all the changes, you can publish the quiz.

So, in this short article, we learned how to create a simple quiz in a minute.

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