This tab of the Quizzes Page is used to create the user information form.
User Information #
- Information Form title
Here, you can give a title to the form about user information.
- Information Form
To enable the information form, choose to display it Before Quiz or After Quiz.
When you choose one of these options, you need to choose the form fields. Take your preferred fields to the Active Fields section (double-click on the fields).
Please note that only the default “Email” field works appropriately for the later use of the inputted email address. So, please avoid using any other custom Email field.
Tick the Required checkbox if you want to make the field required to fill in.
- Add custom fields
Follow the given link to create custom fields for the information form.
Click on the Add New button. Then, write the name of the field (e.g., Phone.) After, choose the type of information that the user will write.
The “Show custom field on your shortcodes” option is for enabling your created custom field for the following shortcodes: All Results, User Page, Single Quiz Results, Individual Leaderboard, and Leaderboard By Quiz Category.
Then, tick the published checkbox for the “Attribute status” option and click on the Save button to add the custom field.
- Show Information Form to logged-in users
When this option is disabled, the form will not be displayed for logged-in users.
- Autofill logged-in user data
By enabling this option, the data of the users who’ve already logged in will be automatically filled in.
- Display form fields with labels
When you enable this option, the labels of the fields will be shown with the fields. Those labels are the same as the ‘Fields placeholder‘ texts written on the General Settings page.
Explore the following articles to learn more about the options for the other tabs.