E-mail & Certificate Settings

In this tab, you can find the options for sending emails and certificates to users.

  • Send email to user 

Tick the Pass Score checkbox to send the email if the user has passed the quiz. The passing score can be adjusted in the Results Setting Tab.

Send Email To User WordPress Quiz

Then, write the email message. You can use different message variables in your email.

Tick the Send Results to User checkbox if you want to send the result of the quiz to the user after completing it.

Besides, you can also tick the Send interval message to user checkbox to send the message that you’ve added from the Results Settings tab.

To test the email, you can write a testing email in the next field and send it.

  • Send certificate to user 

Tick this option if you want to send a certificate to the user after completing the quiz.

First, choose if you want to calculate the score by percentage or points. Then, you can write a minimal passing score that the user should get to receive the certificate.

Now, to form the certificate, write down the title and the body part, and choose the certificate orientation. You can use message variables here as well.

Next, you can add a background image to your certificate and choose the frame design.

  • Generate certificate without sending to user 

You can choose this option to generate the certificate without sending it. Make the certificate in the same way described above.

When done, you can click on the Generate Certificate preview button and then on the Open Certificate button to see the final view of the certificate.

Make Certificate WordPress Quiz

The following image is an example of a certificate.

Certificate Example WordPress Quiz

Here is an easy video tutorial of how to create a quiz with a certificate with the QuizMaker plugin.

  • Send email to admin 

Choose this option to send an email to the admin after the user passes the quiz. You can see who is the admin from the WordPress General settings․

Send Email To Admin WordPress Quiz

Choose the passing score to send the email to the admin.

You can untick the Admin checkbox if you want to send the email to the Additional emails only (in the next field).

Check the Send Report table to admin checkbox if you want to send the results of the quiz to the admin after submission of the quiz.

Also, choose if you want to send the interval message and the certificate to the admin.

Use subject for the admin email– tick this checkbox if you want the subject field of the email to be filled with the subject name that you’ve filled in from the Email configuration option (the next option).

In the next field, write the email message. You can use message variables in your email.

  • Email configuration 

In this option, fill out the corresponding fields of the email that will be send.

Email Configuration WordPress Quiz

To learn more about the options of the other tabs of the Quizzes Page, check out the following articles:

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